Welcome friends so happy that you dropped in.
I am hoping to create a blog of interests for everyone who visits.

I am into digital scrapbooking, using PSP and Photoshop.
I love learning about creating and design.

I am just now starting my blog so I don't
have much in the way interesting items yet.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Things that I Enjoy

A very dear friend of mine (Rischa) has introduced Photoshop to me and also digital scrap booking. Well let me tell you, that has been quite the challenge.....You see, I am a die heart Paint Shop Pro person and never thought there could be any other software program that I would even consider using!!!! Well guess what! Yep I am trying this PS and trying to learn it, believe me, I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to get there.

Soooo, yours truly is wanting to learn all this digital scrap booking stuff.


Jeanne said...

I love your journal darling friend.
I am so happy to see you have a blog to come to visit!
I love you dearly!
Always have always will.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey, sweetie! Glad to see you blogging again! love, Dani

Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki! Your blog looks very nice! I've got ya added to my blog list, too. :-) See ya in the groups! Hugs, Eba