Welcome friends so happy that you dropped in.
I am hoping to create a blog of interests for everyone who visits.

I am into digital scrapbooking, using PSP and Photoshop.
I love learning about creating and design.

I am just now starting my blog so I don't
have much in the way interesting items yet.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So Tired Tonight

I had intentions of writing and working on my blog today and tonight but it's already after 1am and I'm just a bit to tired tonight.

I had some wonderful dear friends visit my blog and I was so thrilled to read what they said. OK, I am off to bed and hopefully I will do some more work on this blog.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Things that I Enjoy

A very dear friend of mine (Rischa) has introduced Photoshop to me and also digital scrap booking. Well let me tell you, that has been quite the challenge.....You see, I am a die heart Paint Shop Pro person and never thought there could be any other software program that I would even consider using!!!! Well guess what! Yep I am trying this PS and trying to learn it, believe me, I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to get there.

Soooo, yours truly is wanting to learn all this digital scrap booking stuff.
I have some wonderful friends who have very lovely blogs and if you have the time I hope you will pay them a visit, tell them Vicki sent you. As you can see from my blog, I am just getting started and hope to make this a great blog so that you will come back from time to time to visit.

Don't you just love waking up to the smell of fresh coffee? I know I do. So I hope you will grab a cuppa and join me in some interesting links and general conversation.

Welcome to my blog. I'm very new at this and I'm hoping
to create something of interest for those who take a look.